A picture from the original video uploaded on the perpetrator’s Facebook account.
I see humans but no humanity. Even though we are the most dominant species in the food chain and said to be the most intelligent creatures we severely lack remorse. We are the epitome of destruction.
In the picture above we see a shark void of a caudal fin. This occurrence is not due to any natural causes but much rather due to man’s innate desire to satisfy his immediate wants without actually thinking about the consequences. The image is taken from a video uploaded by a fisherman who tied a shark up by its tail and chopped off its caudal fin while laughing along with his friends and saying “try to swim now”, to the poor animal. As the video moved to the shark trying to swim away it was not only disgusting to see the cruelty of man but also heart wrenching to see the king of the oceans and a predator at the top of the aquatic food chain reduced to a mere handicapped fish.
Moreover, cutting off the caudal fins of a shark in particular is detrimental to their survival as they use it the most in order to survive. The caudal fins allow these predators to gain bursts of speed that are required when they hunt for prey. Without the fins not only do they lose the ability to catch their prey and feed but also are unable to protect themselves from bigger, faster sharks that do have the caudal fin and are looking for easy food. You think the human world is bad, wait till you see the animal world. If you’re weak you die you have no option but to be strong but in the human world you are allowed to be weak and vulnerable. For these animals everyday is a fight and only the fittest survive.
Although I have spoken about how the human race is devoid of humanity, I would like to acknowledge the behavior of these deplorable excuses of men. They mocked a helpless creature that had done nothing to them, they chopped off its fins and watched it struggle to swim and they did all of this without any ounce of compunction. Killing a shark is bad enough but torturing it is just barbaric. I am appalled by the commercial fishing industry and deeply unsettled by how savage man can be.
The harsh reality is that these sharks are now an endangered species and this is all because of the human race. We kill for sport and we torture for amusement.
-Miette Dsouza