There is something lurking above these waters, What it is I cannot tell. All I know is that it kills my daughters And sends them to a watery hell.
They cut us and take away our fins Pectoral, dorsal and caudal. I can always see their smiles and grins When they see us struggle and wobble.
“What have they done to us!”, We cry for help.
“Please dont hurt us!”, We weep and yelp.
This is not a fair fight, You up there and us down here. But once you feel our bite There’s nothing you’d want to do more than disappear.
Don’t hunt us please We are only products of innocence. Leave us be and we can sort something out, you’ll see.
But there is no one here to hear us scream, For the creature above the water only destroys our dreams.
–Miette D’souza